Boiler Hire

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AGL Boilers offer a range of steam boilers and hot water boilers for hire. They are available for both short-term and long-term hire. 

Hire boilers are required for a range of commercial and industrial businesses including:

  • To continue production during programmed maintenance or scheduled shutdowns.
  • For breakdowns or emergency outages.
  • To keep facilities operating while an old boiler is removed and a new boiler is installed.
  • To assist with  increased capacity requirements.
  • For testing of new processes or production runs.
  • Research and development projects.

We offer the hire service to businesses in New South Wales, ACT, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland. Our team of technicians can arrange the transportation, installation, commissioning and removal of the hire boilers, helping business to continue operating.

Hire boilers can also be included in a boiler upgrade project with AGL Boilers, to allow businesses to maintain production during a boiler removal and installation.



If you would like a quote, or to simply find out more, please don't hesitate to contact us.